My Journey Into Coaching

By Beth Elise

My journey thus far has been one of abundant happiness and love, tragic loss, and rediscovery. I never pictured myself in my 50s living a life of reinvention; hell, I didn’t even know what that meant.   Allowing myself to dream and work toward goals I am passionate about was not on my “to do” list. But, when my life took a different path, I chose to move forward. Has your life taken an unexpected turn, or does it need to? Is the forever life you thought you were on track for derailing? Mine certainly did, but after a few tough years and complete mind shift, I learned how to reinvent myself and live my best life. It’s an ongoing journey…give some thought to what your story looks like.

I am blessed with an amazing family; I grew up with incredible examples of love, courage, and strength, which have undeniably influenced who I am in my many roles in life. Working hard was a common thread also. I started working in my early 20s after earning an associate’s degree and deciding school was no longer for me. I was fortunate to enjoy a great run over 17 years with the same company. But, I missed out on a lot during those years working long days and feeling such intense pressure to continually prove myself and earn my place. I felt empty, and I desperately wanted my home life to be different. So, when an opportunity arose in my mid 30s, I started my marketing consulting company and had my first taste of the freedom enjoyed by entrepreneurship. While it presented its financial challenges, it allowed me to be home with my kids as the mom I had never been able to be when I worked long days out of the house. I had the best of both worlds and truly enjoyed and appreciated my new roles. Reflecting on this time, I see it was the first test for me to try something on that was unfamiliar, uncomfortable and scary as hell. But the rewards and lessons learned made it so worth it!

What I never anticipated was how this experience was preparing me for a future I would never imagine. The sudden loss of my husband in 2010 launched me into an unthinkable mindset and internal hurricane, through which I had no idea how to proceed. I recall waking up the morning after he passed away feeling so alone, completely numb and scared to death; but, I knew without question, I had to put my feet on the floor and do my best to start a new day with my children. I knew immediately that taking care of me was going to be the only way I could do it all. So, I sought grief counseling and did the work. My therapist’s eventual encouragement to consider reinventing myself seemed so foreign to me. I loved the idea, but I had no vision of a different life or idea on how to begin. It is through her support, encouragement of my family and friends, and the experience of facilitator training at the grief center my daughter attended that I realized my calling to help others and support their journey. Listening and allowing space for those desires to be realized are key when helping others imagine and create their own reinvention – whatever that looks like!

I am honored to use my own story of struggles and victories to guide those who are determined and ready to move forward in their lives with hope, courage, and confidence.

If you need guidance getting starting, finding our way and discovering the new YOU, let’s schedule a time to chat about it. Click here to schedule a FREE 30 minute call!

Need help taking the first step to creating your new life?

Let’s schedule a FREE call to get to know each other and chat about what reinvention looks like for you.